
The Auto Shop is the main hub of the game. Here you can modify your car, store items, and use a variety of stations.
The shop is owned by Oppy, who begrudgingly allows The Driver to use it as a base.
The Auto Shop is called Pine Tree Auto Repair as shown by a sign at the front of the shop. Another sign out the front of the shop displays fuel pricing from when the shop was in operation.
The shop itself is comprised of four main sections. There is a dilapidated shop area with broken shelving, a vending machine, shop counter, a community notice board and a bench area with a computer on it at the back of the room. None of these items are able to be interacted with. Connected to the back wall of the shop area is a bathroom locked by a keypad. To the side of the shop area is the main garage area which also has a back room connected to it.
Default Stations
Route Planner

Logbook Entry
The only way you're ever going to find your way around in this scrambled soup of a place is by carefully, methodically mapping out your progress. Keep track of different routes using this map, along with information on how safe (or dangerous) they might be.
See Junctions for Route Planner usage.
First Aid Station

Logbook Entry
Don't forget to patch yourself up! If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything.
The First Aid Station will fully heal The Driver.
Status Monitor

Logbook Entry
A big screen version of the car's current status. How's that high res lookin'?
This monitor displays a larger version of the Status Monitor inside the car. Interacting with this monitor will show/hide a Driver's Checklist of recommended tasks before setting out on another drive.
Parking Sensor

Logbook Entry
This advanced Spatial Recognition and Pattern Communicating Light Array may be the most advanced invention ever found in a garage. Or it may just be a weight sensor. Who's to know?
Oppy's Jukebox

Logbook Entry
The most powerful jukebox known to humanity. Oppy's jukebox is precisely calibrated to offer the optimal listening experience, while minimizing user aural discomfort.
Oppy's Jukebox can be used to turn on/off radio music, adjust the music volume and change the song currently playing.
Wall Anchor
Logbook Entry
A heavy duty anchor, capable of supporting your favorite decorative treasures- signs, posters, displays and more.
Paint Shelf

Logbook Entry
An artist's workstation, these are your brushes and your palette, so to speak. Let's get creative!
The paint shelf is used to store paint and decals. It cannot be used to store anything else.
Paint Shelf Storage Grid
Transfer Trunk

Logbook Entry
Extra moving capacity is exactly what you'll need after those longer, deeper drives. Now you can transfer all your resources and items with ease, thanks to this portable garage buddy.
The transfer trunk is obtained from the Friendly Dumpster at the Auto Shop after returning from the first run in the game. It can be used to transfer items from one place to another and can also be used as additional storage space in a pinch.
Transfer Trunk Storage Grid
Back Room Stations
These stations are located in the back room of the Auto Shop. The room is locked at both entrances by a Heavy Duty Lock and is inaccessible until the Driver obtains an Impact Hammer.
Oppy's Pneumatube

Logbook Entry
The Pneumatubes, also known as the Tubes, span the Zone. A low-tech, low maintenance method of communication and delivery, they've endured in a place where so many advanced alternatives have not.
The Pneumatube input and output are located to the left of the door into the storeroom.
Fabricated Stations
These stations need to be crafted at the Fabrication Station and placed in the garage.
Incident Board

Logbook Entry
Records the number of runs since your last, uh, you know...
Outfitting Station

Logbook Entry
Upgrading cars is one thing. But now, it's time to spend a few of those Zone resources upgrading yourself. Go on, you deserve it.
The outfitting station is used to make Player Equipment.
Repair Station

Logbook Entry
Give yourself a little help patching up the car every time you return to the garage with this powerful automatic regenerator.
Athletic Stimulation Station

Logbook Entry
It's such a generously sized target. How difficult could it be to score a few points?
The athletic stimulation station comes with a basketball.

Logbook Entry
Beware. No one in the Zone has handled an orb like this before and we have no idea what the consequences might be.
The basketball is an item that can be picked up and thrown by the player. A basketball comes with the athletic stimulation station in the Auto Shop. They can also be found at Junctions in the Zone and are commonly found on basketball courts.
The Auto Shop basketball can be thrown at the matter deconstructor which will throw it at the hoop of the athletic stimulation station instead of breaking it.
Soccer Ball
Logbook Entry
Beware. No one in the Zone has handled an orb like this before and we have no idea what the consequences might be.
The soccer ball is not an item that can be found in the Auto Shop but has its logbook information under the Auto Shop tab.
The soccer ball is an item that can be picked up and thrown by the player. They can be found at Junctions in the Zone on soccer fields.
Fish Tank

Logbook Entry
Fish have been kept since at least the time of the Sumerians. There's no reason not to keep something a little more esoteric in here, too.