
From Pacific Drive Wiki
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A Junction is one of the destinations the player can either scan using one of the Antenna's Scanner Charges while looking at the Route Planner, or drive through on their way to their desired destination.

Junction Summary

This view shows a snapshot summary of the Junction, its conditions, potential hazards and their expected frequency, as well as buildings or vehicles and their loot density.

This screenshot shows the Legend for a Junction Summary, visible from the Route Planner.
This screenshot shows the Legend for a Junction Summary, visible from the Route Planner.

All properties below the two horizontal lines in the Summary view are procedurally generated.

Junction Identifier

Every Junction has an identifier given to it, that is one letter and one number, such as E5. These are similar, but not the same, to grid coordinates on maps, as the Letter is based off of the junctions position on the map in "regions" and the number is simply used to uniquely identify the junction in that "region". For example, the player starts in The Auto Shop at E8, can move northwest to G1 then northwest again to G3, or northeast to F1 and northeast again to F3.


Every Junction has a Biome that determines what the area looks like, the Anomalies that appear, and the possible resources the player might find. The Biome for a Junction can be determined by the Junction's map icon, as well as the Biome icon that appears next to the Junction Identifier in the Summary view. The Biome is also spelled out in the label just below the Junction Identifier in the Summary view.

Junction Name

In the Upper Right corner of the Summary view is the Junction's Name. Some of these are notable and story-related, such as Sierram, others are flavor but provide a hint to the type of map the player may encounter. These names can be shared with other Junctions, as they have similar (or the same) map layout.


Each Junction has up to four Conditions that are randomly generated. These modifiers affect how difficult a Junction, though some may make them easier (see Perpetual Stability).

Route Analysis

Every Junction has randomly generated levels of certain elements that appear in the Route Analysis of the Junction Summary. These levels can vary from "NONE" or "MAX". The analyzed elements are:

  • Atmospheric Shifts
  • Anomaly Density
  • Radiation Density
  • Zone Storm
  • Fuel Density
  • Vehicle Density
  • Building Density
  • Resource Density

The desirable elements are Fuel, Vehicle, Building, and Resource Density as these control the amount of vehicles and buildings you'll find, as well as the amount of resources. Note, even if Resource Density is NONE, this doesn't mean there are no resources anywhere in the Junction.

Hazards and Lootables

The final section of the Summary view shows the Anchors, Anomalies, and Lootables that The Driver may find in the Junction.

A screenshot showing the tooltip for an unscanned Exit Junction, viewed in the Route Planner, that a player can use a Scanner Charge to scan.
A screenshot showing the tooltip for an unscanned Exit Junction, viewed in the Route Planner, that a player can use a Scanner Charge to scan.

Exit Junctions

These Junctions have Stable Exits and can be used to complete a Run. The amount of kLIM's necessary to open a Gateway is shown in one of several places:

  • their tooltip on the Route Planner's map
  • in the Junction Summary, viewable in the Route Planner when hovering over the Junction
  • on the Traveling screen when choosing the next Junctiono
  • upon entering a Junction
  • when viewing the ARC Device in the car

Typically, Exit Junctions are those that appear at the outer edge of how far you've explored and unlock new Junctions after exiting through a gateway. They can appear as Intermediate Junctions as well.

Intermediate Junctions

Early in the game, the player will start to unlock Junctions that require driving through other Junctions to reach them. These Intermediate Junctions are chained together to make a Run. Intermediate Junctions can also be Exit Junctions that the player can choose to open a Gateway in and end their run there, or they can choose to continue through a toward their destination.

Non-Exit Junctions

Some Junctions do not have any Stable Exits and cannot be used to complete a Run. These are "Intermediate Junctions" and show "NO STABLE EXITS" in the space where an Exit Junction shows the kLIMs needed to open a Gateway.

Dead Ends

If a Non-Exit Junction generates with no outgoing connections to viable Exit Junctions, it becomes a Dead End. Entering such a junction is tantamount to failure, as the only ways to return to the Auto Shop at that point are either abandoning the run, or dying. The current active save will have been overwritten at the moment of entering the junction, removing the ability to reload into the previous junction.

Since these effects are quite devastating, the game takes multiple steps to warn against entering a Dead End. In the Route Planner, they are marked as such in the kLIM readout and it's impossible to select one as a route destination. When travelling between junctions, hovering over a Dead End will display a more prominent warning around the map border, and attempting to travel to one will sound a warning chime, allowing some time to react and release the button before the animation completes. Finally, as a statement more than a warning, the ARC Device status becomes "DEAD END: ABANDON TRIP" once inside a Dead End junction.

There are no Achievements or User Manual entries unlocked by visiting a Dead End. Don't do it.

Things you should note

If you're doing a run, the game will save upon entering a junction. If you leave the game whilst in a junction, your save file will put you at the point where you entered that junction.

The playable area of a junction is surrounded by a multi-colored shimmering field. Attempting to leave the playable area, whether by car or on foot, will lead to the shimmer quickly intensifying until you're warped back within the boundaries. The warp is harmless, apart from minor damage to the car if you're driving at the time.