Player Logbook Entry
Maintaining a vehicle is hard, especially for those living in rural America. Sometimes you just gotta make do with what you got there, as long as it has 4 wheels, the stuff for the job and an engine, thats good enough.
Submitted by: Ken
Part List
Body Parts
- Front Lead-Plated Bumper
- Rear Crude Bumper
- Headlights Headlights
- All Panels Crude Panel
- All Doors Crude Door
- Tires Offroad
- Engine Carbureted Engine
Rack Expansions and Utilities
- Front Roof Roof Floodlights/-
- Rear Roof Fuel Reservoir/-
- Left Expanded Backseat Tank
- Right Expanded Backseat Tank
- Front Side Side Fuel Tank
- Rear Side Side Storage
The fact the panels have rust and duct tape on them means you really shouldn't be driving this build in the OEZ for long but sometimes, beggars can't be choosers. Fortunately for you, the parts that aren't just crude stuff makes the drive bearable, allowing you to avoid the roads where needed or climb some hills, light up the space or just drive as long as you need to in fuel scarce areas...tho it probably would still be better if you took the time and upgrade to Steel ASAP.