Roof Floodlights

From Pacific Drive Wiki
Roof Floodlights

Roof Floodlights logbook icon

Logbook Entry

Do you really want to drive another humdrum, everyday automobile, or do you secretly want to sit at the helm of the Zone's biggest, baddest, and brightest Self-Propelled Illumination Station?



Icon for the Battery Drain propertyBattery Drain0.1 kW/sec
Icon for the Brightness propertyBrightness1200 cd


Roof Floodlights can be mounted on any roof rack; when mounted, they add an ability that can be assigned and used to toggle all available Roof Floodlights on/off simultaneously. The orientation of Roof Floodlights (forwards/backwards) depends on which of the roof racks they're mounted on.


Roof Floodlights, mounted in each rack.
Light from a set of Roof Floodlights.
Light from Roof Floodlights (facing left and right) in the combined floodlight pattern.