Player Logbook Entry
A basic car template useful in the early game, which can be assembled with the components available in the Outer Zone and is designed to hold up against the damage that results from unskilled or reckless driving.
Submitted by: Optimore
Part List
Body Parts
- Front and Rear Steel Bumpers
- Standard Headlights
- Insulated Hood
- Front Armored Panels
- Front Armored Doors
- Rear Lead-Plated Doors
- Rear Insulated Panels
- Armored Trunk
- Offroad Tires
- Carbureted Engine
Rack Expansions and Utilities
- Left Seat Lead-Acid Battery
- Right Seat Backseat Tank
- Front Left Rack Side Storage
- Rear Left Rack Lightning Rod
- Front Left Rack Side Fuel Tank
- Rear Right Rack Side Battery
- No Front and Rear Roof (None available in Outer Zone)
The vehicle is heavily armored near the front to try to mitigate crash damage. In the middle and rear, where crashing is theoretically less of an issue, more focus is given to electric and radiation resistances to allow for a different sort of reckless driving (that is, charging through irradiated areas and the electrical arcs of the various electrical anomalies present in the Outer Zone). Gear slots are dedicated to additional storage of various kinds as well as a Lighting Rod to aid in the aforementioned reckless disregard for electric hazards. Use the side storage slot to store extra tools, flares, healing items, and in particular the repair putty you are doubtlessly going to end up needing.
Since this vehicle design is intended for the early game, it may be more effective to save Chemicals by scrapping and rebuilding your body components between runs instead of using Putty. Note that this does not apply to the armored panels and doors, since those will need to be obtained from abandoned Squires via the Liberator (crafted with thermal sap from exploded Tourists) and cannot be unlocked for crafting until the player reaches the Midzone (as a side note, Steel panels and doors can be used as stopgaps before enough Armor is collected).
Since the early game tends to involve shorter trip lengths, the side fuel and battery storage could also be swapped out for extra inventory storage to aid in pack-rat behavior for building up resource stockpiles.