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Full Name: Tobias Barlow

Age: N/A

Date of Death: 1998

He is one of the three characters which regularly speak to The Driver via their radio in order to progress the story, give hints, and comment on their performance in the Zone. Tobias was a member of ARDA's Maintenance department who still resides in the Zone years after leaving his position. Now, he spends most of his time assisting Francis in his research, collecting conspiracy theories, and writing poetry.

He and Francis are extremely close, though the exact nature of their relationship is unclear. What is known, however, is that they both reside within a pocket of stability in mid-zone sector of the Zone. He and Francis are confirmed to be living in the house because during several missions you can hear Francis storming off or Tobias leaving the house. Plus during the Deep Zone breakthrough mission we hear Tobias actively get up and Francis beg him to stay.

Cause of Death:

In one of the later missions in the game, The Driver works with Francis, Oppy, and Tobias to breach the Deep Zone Wall. However, in order to do so the team needed to redirect a large amount of energy into the checkpoint so the final gates could be opened. To do this, Tobias ran out to restore power to Battery Farm 6 while a storm of instability hit. As a result, Tobias was killed. In the end, all members of the team are left to grieve, whether The Driver survives or not.


In February of 1966, Tobias - along with two other ARDA employees - discovered the Pothole anomaly during what was supposed to be a routine job of filling in potholes on the road. (source: Pothole)