Colossal Cappy

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Colossal Cappy

Colossal Cappy logbook icon

Logbook Entry

PRIVATE FIELD NOTES, Dr. Wan, date unknown.

Of all the things that could come to mind whenever I'm sent back to catalog this whirling demon, it's those damn slogans from the Fair. "Amplitude with Attitude," or "Riding the Wave of the Future." A train full of technology brought into town to show scientists and their families what this was all about. To validate their sacrifices, their service, their secrecy.

And it was like tickling the dragon's tail. Putting all that LIM gear in one place. There's no point in trying to blame one person or one piece of technology. It doesn't matter if some member of the public pressed the wrong button, or some supervisor left something unattended. This wasn't one disaster waiting to happen, it was dozens together in the same place at the same time.

Every time I return to this site, nothing has changed. The readings stay the same. The radiation persists. And the missing people? We're never going to find them.

Found In

Colossal Cappy seen in full from far away


Colossal Cappy (also known as "Cappy") is a unique Anomaly, permanently situated in Sierram, that plays a significant role in the main story of Pacific Drive.


Unlike other anomalies, Cappy is a geographically fixed anomaly that is the only one of its kind. It is the largest known anomaly in the Zone[1] and is visible from almost anywhere within the junction. When approached at close range it causes chromatic aberration (RGB color separation) to the Driver's vision. Multiple large objects, mostly train carriages, are suspended within a zero-gravity field with a bright red center 'core' and outer greenish ring that make up the anomaly.

Cappy itself is completely harmless, although it is surrounded by expansive fields of Hot Dust anomalies.



View Sierram Disaster.


Mission: The Remnant Experiment

The Driver arrives in Sierram to test whether the Station Wagon is a remnant or not. Oppy attempts to use Cappy to amplify the remnant's signal.

First the Driver is instructed to get close to Cappy from the ground, which has no results. Next, Oppy commands the Driver to get closer to Cappy's core from higher ground, also receiving no results. Finally, Oppy instructs the Driver to launch the car into Cappy's core via the dilapidated bridge leading to its core, stating that the Driver will be fine.

To much of Tobias' and Francis' disagreement, the Driver drives the car into Cappy's core. Although Cappy fries Oppy's communication devices, the car is proven to be a remnant.

After completing the mission, the Glittering Boulders at the end of the bridge will no longer appear and attempting to recreate the stunt will cause you to fall.


Cappy seen from the bridge leading to the core.
Cappy seen from really far away.
Cappy seen from relatively up-close, as well as the bridge that leads to the core.
