Time Runner

From Pacific Drive Wiki

Player Logbook Entry

You built a time machine....out of a station wagon?!

Submitted by: Ken

Part List

Body Parts

Rack Expansions and Utilities


I'll be honest, this is more of a cosmetic build then anything, It doesn't have the best storage for hoarding nor does it have the best tires for dives offroad but due to its Nitro Boost and Chrono Dilator, it sure makes dodging anomalies a breeze and even hills aren't that bad to climb with a lil thrust. And with all the extra batteries and ways to charge the car, fuel would more likely be a more pressing issue. Apart from that, the car is relatively well protected against electrical attacks and impacts thanks to the combination of Insulated and Olympian parts tho lacking in other areas namely acid tho you should be able to dodge the globs with the Dilator.


Image of the Time Runner
The Time Runner illuminated by a Junction Gate
The Time Runner driving in the Scorch
The Time Runner next to an ARDA Investigator
The Time Runner in the rain
The Time Runner on a hill
The Time Runner at an ARDA Outpost
The Time Runner driving towards a bridge in the Scorch
The Time Runner next to a shack
The Time Runner next to a billboard
The Time Runner held by Bubblegum Buddies
Close up of the Time Runner