
From Pacific Drive Wiki

Player Logbook Entry

Enjoy two of the fundamental forces of nature with this build, allowing you to brave the electrifying fury of the Zone while using it to propel you forward, all while having magnetism do some of the dirty work for you. And that's not all, combine the two forces together and boy would you shine...literally.

Submitted by: Ken

Part List

Body Parts

Rack Expansions and Utilities


Being a near fully Insulated build, electrical Anomalies would deal less damage to you and you might even be able to harvest their electrical energy, which you would desperately need to feed the power hungry, but power AMP Engine ticking away under the hood. Be sure to pack Battery Jumpers or Plasma Chargers with this build. The Magnetic Bumper up front at least makes it easy to collect scrap metal, perfect if you're running low on it, or if you make it to the Deep Zone to turn em into more LIM Magnets, the Roof Floodlights providing ample light should you need it. Apart from that, this build is pretty much a run of the mill hoarder build, so loot to your hearts content, just be sure to keep the batteries charged.


Image of the EM Radiance
The EM Radiance glowing in the dark.
The EM Radiance illuminated by a flare outside a barn.
The EM Radiance in the Mires
The EM Radiance outside a Research Trailer
The EM Radiance driving through a Scorch Highway
Another image of the EM Radiance driving in the Scorch
The EM Radiance going pass a billboard.
The EM Radiance in front of Hot Dust infested pipes
A close up of the EM Radiance outside a Zone Stabilizer