Logbook Entry
TRANSMISSION FRAGMENT, ARDA Dispatch Headquarters, April 26th, 1964.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeey this is Annaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I'm totally going so faaaaaaaaaaast right now! Oh no! Oh noooooo!
It's happened agaiiiiiiin! Just out collecting some data from the weeeaaaather stations and ohhh nooooooo! There are these new things out there and ohhhhhh heeeeeeeelp! If you touch them you ahhhhhh nooooo! Hold on Charlieeeeeee!
Look, I'm not an engineer or a physicist, I'm a meeeeeeeteorologist, but my guess is these things are discharging huge amounts of eeeeeeeeeeenergy into whatever they touch and when they hit a car you totally go so faaaaaaaast HOLD ON CHARLIEEEEEEEEEE!
Found In
Glittering Boulders are a stationary anomaly that take the form of a glowing golden boulder about the size of a beach ball that floats a few feet off the ground while emitting a golden glow and an eerie sound similar to a wind chime. Hitting one with the car causes it to suddenly and violently accelerate in whatever direction it's currently facing, consuming the boulder in the process. This anomaly is easy to avoid, but can be useful to hit on purpose depending on how well the player can handle the speed that results from doing so.
Glittering Boulders are both stationary and self-illuminating and thus very easy to spot and avoid. However, they can sometimes spawn partly embedded in the ground and will only rise up to their usual floating position when The Driver draws near, making it possible for unwary or distracted players to be "ambushed" by this entirely stationary object. If one is hit while unprepared or while facing obstacles, evasive maneuvers are recommended in order to avoid a collision. Hitting anything solid at such high speeds can do large amounts of damage to the car. Holding the handbrake and/or switching to Park can partly mitigate the speed boost, but keeping a steady hand on the wheel and eyes on the road is likely safer.
Junction Conditions
The speed boost provided by these anomalies is further exacerbated when a junction has the Touch and Go condition in effect, and Boulders will spawn more frequently.