ARDA Fire Chief

From Pacific Drive Wiki

Player Logbook Entry

Just cause ARDA controls the Zone, doesn't mean fires stop happening. But with the ARDA Fire Chief, first responders can quickly get anywhere someone needs help, be it for fires, or medical emergencies. And with the brand new developments in the form of the Lazarus Device, you can even bring people back from the dead.

Submitted by: Ken

Part List

Body Parts

Rack Expansions and Utilities


A rather rough and rugged build, the All-Terrain tires means the build is plenty capable going anywhere while handling relatively well on all surfaces. Apart from that, the Insulated Panels reduce the damage from electrical damage while the Armored and Olympian panels should help with crashing thru forests and more while trying to avoid anomalies. Though that said this build is vulnerable to radiation having no radiation resistant panels so be careful not to sit in Hot Dust. And if you do end up taking too much damage, the Lazarus Devices on the car should keep you alive.


Image of the ARDA Fire Chief
The ARDA Fire Chief entering a Blistering Woods Highway Junction
The ARDA Fire Chief in the Blistering Woods
The ARDA Fire Chief next to a powered ARDA Tower
The ARDA Fire Chief parked next to a billboard
The ARDA Fire Chief with floodlights active
The ARDA Fire Chief outside a Big Dan's
The ARDA Fire Chief next to another billboard
The ARDA Fire Chief outside a house
The Fire Chief next to a power pylon
Upgraded Fire Chief in the Damp Forest
Upgraded Fire Chief driving away from a atmospheric instability
The upgraded Fire Chief driving thru the Red Spires
The upgraded Fire Chief next to an Olympium Vein
Close up of the upgraded Fire Chief