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Logbook Entry
Sir! Staff car's stuck on a bush, sir! No sir, this … This is a different bush. Yes, it's another bush again, but ... This one is a razor sharp bush. Er, car is maybe a little cut up and we can't move it or we risk making it worse, sir. Where? Uh, grid reference is ten - T-D-T, four-two-zero, five-two-five. Oh. Where on the car? Um. Everywhere, sir. All the underside. The wheels. The axle. Um, actually no sir, it hasn't got to your fine leather upholstery, now that you ask …
Found In
Having a very similar effect to the Spike Puddle, the Spike Log will deal piercing damage to the Station Wagon when it is driven over, especially to the tires which are likely to suffer flats and blowouts. The Spike Log rises much further off of the floor than the Spike Puddle, having the potential to deal impact damage to the car if it is crashed into. The player will suffer damage if they walk over one.
Aside from avoiding the Anomaly entirely, activation of the LIM Shield ability before contact or having Puncture-Proof Tires equipped to the car are the only known methods of preventing damage once contact has been made.
Junction Conditions
When a junction has the Puncture Probability condition in effect, this Anomaly deals considerably more damage to The Driver's car tires and has an increased chance of causing a blow out or a flat .