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Logbook Entry
PARTIAL MEMO, Battalion Headquarters, February 21st, 1964.
Captain Neil Douglas filing.
Today, when engaged in pursuit of a pair of Zone trespassers, three vehicles from B company were damaged and put out of action by what may have been traps deliberately laid. The trespassers, who crossed from Canada via the Salish sea and may be fugitives, are believed to have landed somewhere near Joyce after traveling via small boat. After multiple sightings and extensive tracking, we encountered the trespassers at approximately 1100 hours and begin a vehicular pursuit down several fire roads.
Driving a stolen government car, the trespassers evaded capture for some time and were able to prevent further pursuit by leading our team across patches of some kind of semi-organic, oil-like spikes. All three cars used in the pursuit suffered destroyed tires and damaged wheels. It is unclear at this time whether these patches had been somehow laid in response to the pursuit, or had existed sometime beforehand. The patches are extremely dangerous and utterly unlike anything we have seen before.
Recommend requisitioning tracked vehicles from Fort Lewis for further exploration.
Found In
Spike Puddles are a black puddle-like anomaly with protruding spikes. They will deal piercing damage to the Station Wagon when it is driven over, especially to the tires which are likely to suffer flats and blowouts. The Driver will suffer damage if they walk over one.
Aside from avoiding the Anomaly's purple and black oil-like radius, activation of the LIM Shield ability before contact or having Puncture-Proof Tires equipped to the car are the only known methods of preventing damage once contact has been made.
Junction Conditions
When a junction has the Puncture Probability condition in effect, this Anomaly deals considerably more damage to The Driver's car tires and has an increased chance of causing a blow out or a flat .