ARDA Time Hoarder

From Pacific Drive Wiki

Player Logbook Entry

ARDA detected improper manipulation of the time stream and confiscated the device responsible. Unfortunately for ARDA, when leaving the Zone they left the time machine behind despite intending to use it, and now its, lets hope they prepped it well hm?

Submitted by: Ken

Part List

Body Parts

Rack Expansions and Utilities


An upgraded Time Runner, this build doesn't actually need roads thanks to better tires and with a lil bit more armor and most importantly, roof storage, this build is perfect for going all the way into the Deep Zone even and hoarding all you want the whole way.


Image of the ARDA Time Hoarder
The Time Hoarder next to a house
The Time Hoarder next to a barn
The Time Hoarder next to another house
The Time Hoarder approaching a Spark Tower
The Time Hoarder going across a bridge
The Time Hoarder in an Eerie Darkness Mires, with Bio-Headlights installed
The Time Hoarder at the Wall Crossing
Side view of the Time Hoarder
The Time Hoarder driving in the Red Spires
Close up of the Time Hoarder