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Logbook Entry
ARDA Briefing, recorded August 30th, 1970.
Okay everyone, the new receiver designs are ready, and I promise these ones won't be so edible.
I'm being quite serious here, folks. Last year's rash of signal-hungry Anomalies, the ones that would chow down on anything broadcasting across lower bamds, absolutely tanked our comms budget and cut hundreds of us off from the outside world. The alloys we're using now, combined with the new standard frequencies, mean nothing's going to be chewing up our broadcasts any more.
Now, let's get these deployed as soon as possible, and make sure each has a recording cache fitted. And get those parts welded on tight. I'm not letting another one of these fall into the hands of that self-proclaimed guerrilla radio group. Who knows what kind of nonsense signals they're picking up from the outside world, or, even worse, beaming out? It's on all our heads if that happens again.
Found in
Zone Receivers are tall poles with antennas attached to the top of it and a recording cache attached at the bottom that can be found in the Zone. They appear on the Route Planner key and will be shown on the ARC Device map as a blue circle with the Zone Receiver symbol in it. When the recording cache is interacted with, there will be one Frequency File tape inside.