Logbook Entry
PRIVATE FIELD NOTES, Dr. Everett, date unknown.
It would seem that, with the passage of time, many Anomalies evolve through a kind of synthesis. The constant rearrangement happening within the Zone produces new combinations of previous oddities. Some are one-offs. Others endure.
These gigantic monstrous amalgams are amongst those that keep reoccurring They appear to be formed in part from the spontaneous columns of rock that erupt out of the ground, in part from those test dummies that themselves seemed to have been previously combined with a cache of missing claymores. What strikes me most is their remarkable coherence. Clumsy as they are, it's almost as if they serve a very deliberate function. AS if they were designed, perhaps for some defensive purpose, some deterrence. And this ongoing synthesis has me wonder if the Zone is in not only a constant state of flux, but perhaps even a state of … evolution?
Even deliberate experimentation?
Found In
Tourist Traps are a combination of Bollards and Tourists, being rock formations that rise out of the ground and containing Tourists embedded in them. The initial rise of a Tourist Trap can potentially launch the Car, while hitting an already risen Tourist Trap could trigger the Tourists in them to explode.
Total avoidance is the way to completely prevent damage. The LIM Shield can be used to partially negate physical damage after hitting a Tourist Trap.
Junction Conditions
The explosive damage dealt by Tourist Traps are enhanced by the Concussive Blasts, Torn Apart, or Magnified Explosions conditions. The collision damage caused by rising Tourist Traps are enhanced by the Curious Fragility condition.