Logbook Entry
PRIVATE FIELD NOTES, Dr. Everett, date unknown.
Plasma-powered "Spark" transmitters, combining previously obsolete coils with LIM-enhanced repeaters, have proven to be the best way to boost signals throughout the Zone. The constant increase in radiation and electromagnetic interference has made radio communication extremely difficult and often subject to bizarre distortions. These new, modified coils appear to have solved that. The addition of local plasma power sources is a reliable way to keep each node within this vital infrastructure both operational and independent.
However, the price we have to pay is constant maintenance and repair. They're demanding beasts and burn through components rapidly. If key resistors and capacitors are not regularly replaced, they quickly develop a habit of either shorting or even releasing constant high-voltage, low-current discharges into the immediate vicinity.
Found In
- Also able to be found in the Red Meadow Research Facility
An electrical tower that will send out bolts of lightning to objects in it's vicinity. The tower can be disabled by destroying all plasma generators around it.
Plasma Generators near the tower may drop Glass Shards, Copper Wire, and Plasma.
High-voltage bolts of electricity will creep towards the player/car, typically in a straight line, when either is within range of the tower. Using the Impact Hammer to destroy the blue, glowing plasma generators around the tower will cause the tower to lose power. If all generators are eliminated, the tower will shut down entirely.
Total avoidance is the only known method of avoiding taking damage from this Anomaly. However, having insulated doors, panels, and/or bumpers equipped to the car may help reduce damage taken, though it will never provide true immunity. It will, however, block the Charged effect from affecting neighboring parts.
Activation of the LIM Shield ability before contact may also significantly reduce damage taken (up to 45%).
Junction Conditions
These anomalies cause The Driver's car to experience a speed boost when a junction has the Shocking Speed condition in effect.
These anomalies cause The Driver's car battery to drain faster when a junction has the Disruptive Discharge condition in effect.
These anomalies confer more damage to The Driver's car when a junction has the Violent Voltage,
Overcharged Electricity, and/or
Spark Surge conditions in effect.