Happy Hare

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Happy Hare

Happy Hare logbook icon

Logbook Entry

JOURNAL FRAGMENT, date unknown.

Over the past year I’ve seen Anomalies cause all manner of chaos. I’ve seen them dismantle ARDA facilities, dissolve trucks into puddles of goo, even tear human beings apart. I’ve seen the fruits of our labors turn one of the prettiest parts of the country into one of the most dangerous and unpredictable.

But this week I saw the first sign that things might change. I caught a rare glimpse of hope. Perhaps not everything we unleashed here, in this gigantic cosmic accident, has been bad.

We’ve logged several sightings of a new Anomaly. At first sight, it matches the description of so many others, but this one is different. It actually repairs things, apparently seeking out damaged material and regenerating it in a way not dissimilar to some of our own prototype technology. It is benign, even friendly, and I’m starting to wonder if it even communicates.

Found in


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These Anomalies will often speed up to try to overtake your car as you drive. They will then attempt to hop on, allowing for a brief window where you may dodge them. If you fail to dodge, activation of either the Limpulse Emitter or LIM Shield abilities will forcefully remove them. Otherwise, you may get out of your car, approach the Anomaly, and remove them by kicking them or picking them up by hand.


These anomalies appear in greater numbers when a junction has The Warrens condition in effect.