Cough Box

From Pacific Drive Wiki
Cough Box

Cough Box logbook icon

Logbook Entry

TELEPHONE TRANSCRIPT, Central Exchange Monitoring, February 21st, 1967.

It's difficult, you know? I mean, what do you tell a guy's mom? Do you say "Sorry, Mrs. Baker, your son is just a glob of goo now"? Do you say "It wasn't an entirely meaningless death, those scientists probably got some data from it"? Do you say "I saw him dissolved right in front of my eyes, but a lot of his clothing is still okay, here's his superhero shorts"?

He just ran straight into the thing.

It was so pointless. I feel bad for her. They're asking why it won't be an open casket. For Christ's sake, you could pour him into a jar. You might as well pump him into the coffin. Sad? No, I saw way worse things in the war, and they happened to people I cared about a lot more. This guy? This guy was a jerk.

So, you want to see that new Poitier movie? That guy's slick.

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Aside from total avoidance, the only known recourse for preventing damage from this Anomaly is to activate the LIM Shield ability before entering its semi-sphere of influence.


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Cough Box, as seen at night.