Logbook Entry
PRIVATE FIELD NOTES, Dr. Everett, date unknown.
By the early 1960s, gasoline was vital to the production of electricity. Portable diesel generators became the primary way of powering the majority of structures and equipment within the Zone and we were almost useless without it. Power grids were failing daily, batteries drained with preternatural speed, and even shielded equipment was frequently degrading or producing inexplicable malfunctions. Entire convoys of tankers criss-crossed the Peninsula. We piped in untold gallons of the stuff every day, adding more industrial-sized piping alongside all the fresh water we were trying to pull in. When everything else failed, good old petrochemicals still did their job.
We must have pumped so much lead into the air. Into the Zone. For it to scramble into the omelette it was forever making of our world. I guess that was about the time more and more animal life was dying off. God, did we just make things even worse?
Found in
ARDA Fuel Tankers are a useful source of fuel in the Zone. They generate with steel doors and summer tires, which can be scrapped for crafting materials. A tourist holding a stop sign may generate near the nozzle when the tanker spawns on a road.