Zone Stabilizer

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Zone Stabilizer

Zone Stabilizer logbook icon

Logbook Entry

PRIVATE FIELD NOTES, Dr. Mensah, September 15th, 1971.

It is reassuring to know we at least have some ability to temper this particularly demented flavor of meteorology that blights our atmosphere. The energy demands are truly monstrous and the infrastructure we have had to construct and reconstruct is an engineering achievement in itself, but we have been successful.

We have all but perfected the Zone Stabilizer. Perhaps now we will no longer be quite as subject to its whims.

I believe that correctly activating Stabilizers will now create Gateways, though it will also precipitate dramatically dangerous Zone storms. It is important that nobody uses or modifies these devices without explicit authorization.


Zone stabilizers can be found during three main storyline missions; Stabilizing a Way Through, The Mid-Zone Crossing and The Deep Zone Crossing. They can also be found at Junctions after these missions. Each section of the Zone has a junction with zone stabilizers. The Outer-Zone junction has three stabilizers whilst the Mid-Zone and Deep-Zone junctions only have one each. Activating zone stabilizers allows the player to travel to junctions deeper in the Zone. Activating all of them in the junction also causes instability storms to start and a gateway to open.


Zone Stabilizer in the Mid Zone during a Corrosive Downpour