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Logbook Entry
It's a trap. It's a god damn trap. It's a monster.
This place is learning how to ambush us. You know what that means? It means it doesn't want us here. This place doesn't want us. A whole-ass part of the world is rejecting us, trying to get rid of us, trying to push us out. Think about that for a moment. That's horrific.
This thing was like some kind of wicked new wildlife, ready to spring at us. But only us. Except, you know what? It's not like wildlife. You ever notice how these Anomalies don't attack one another? When have you ever seen them fight? Wildlife is an ecosystem, infinite parts responding to one another. The Anomalies? Listen to me. That's the Zone uniting against us.
Found In
This amalgamation of wrecked car parts can usually be found in the middle of the road. Upon approach with the Car, it will begin to shiver and pulsate. When this happens, the anomaly will summon a number of Minutemen around itself, dealing electrical damage to the The Driver's car.
The only counter for this anomaly is avoidance. However, having insulated doors, panels, and/or bumpers equipped to the car may help reduce damage taken, though it will never provide true immunity. It will, however, block the Charged effect from affecting neighboring parts.
Activation of the LIM Shield ability before contact may also significantly reduce damage taken (up to 45%).
Junction Conditions
These anomalies cause the car to experience a speed boost when a junction has the Shocking Speed condition in effect.
These anomalies cause the car battery to drain faster when a junction has the Disruptive Discharge condition in effect.
These anomalies confer more damage to the car when a junction has the Violent Voltage, Overcharged Electricity, and/or Spark Surge conditions in effect.