Titan's Bone

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Titan's Bone

Titan's Bone logbook icon

Logbook Entry

TELEPHONE TRANSCRIPT, Central Exchange Monitoring, December 2nd, 1962.

Yes, I know I'm on the record. Yes, I know all these calls are monitored, too, but I have to tell you about this. I have to report it. And I swear I wasn't seeing things. I know we've all had a few, um, hallucinations by this point, but this is somthing very real. And as soon as I can get to a darkroom I can prove it with photos.

I swear these things just burst out of nowhere. No, they THRUST out of nowhere. We had a whole truck just speared today, and another sent flying sideways by the force of these...things. And there was no warning. I tell you, with all I've seen the last few weeks, it's like the ground, the earth itself, is turning against us. I feel like I don't even know where to step any more.

What do you mean confiscate the film? Why?

Found In


Titan's Bone anomalies are a series of bone spikes that shoot out of the ground and cause piercing damage as well as launch the car and the Driver into the air. Before they shoot out of the ground, they appear as a glowing area on the floor. They are often summoned by Blacksmith anomalies.


Avoidance, activation of the LIM Shield ability before contact or having Puncture-Proof Tires equipped to the car can prevent any piercing damage.

Junction Conditions

When a junction has the Puncture Probability condition in effect, this Anomaly deals considerably more damage to The Driver's car tires and has an increased chance of causing a blow out or a flat .


Titan's Bones in front of Big Dan's