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Logbook Entry
TRANSCRIPT taken from the dictaphone of Dr. Kelly Lombard, February 12th, 1969.
Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to remember our esteemed, honored and oh so kind colleague Eric Gordon.
Taken from us far too soon, Eric was a shining light in our lives. Let us remember him for his achievements, his humor, and his grace. Let us remember him how he lived, and not how he died, propelled as he was six hundred feet into the air by a sudden blast of hot corrosive slime. I know our hearts are all so heavy today and we only wish Eric could also have been heavier and thus not flown quite so far. WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING end recording END RECORDING!
Found In
Shaker anomalies are geyser-like anomalies that blast hot corrosive slime out at regular intervals. When driven over while they are active, they will launch the car into the air. They will also launch The Driver into the air if stood on. They are also summoned by Seismic Squall anomalies.
The only way to counter these anomalies is to avoid them.
Junction Conditions
These anomalies become more common in junctions with the Underground Mischief condition.