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Logbook Entry
PARTIAL MEMO, source unknown, circa 1967.
First created in 1944, alongside Americium and Curium, Olympium similarly remained a statesecret. But while information about other transuranium elements was gradually made public, knowledge of the highly unstable Olympium was not. This was in part because it took some time for scientists to confirm its existence through additional testing, and then because further research on the element continued only on the Olympic Peninsula, under strict ARDA supervision.
The first isotype created had a half life of approximately nine seconds, similar to Hassium, and initial applications were extremely limited. It wasn't until the isotope 01-266 was accidentally created by a LIM tech team working for ARDA that the practical applications of a strong and relatively lightweight metal were considered. Olympium alone has limited use outside of making heavier transuranium and transactinide elements, but the possibilities of alloys using 01-266 have intrigued chemists and engineers.
Since its discovery, knowledge of Olympium has remained closely guarded and it was believed to have only ever existed in laboratories at the University of Chicago and on the Olympic Peninsula. However, after the events of 1961, 01-266 was occasionally discovered in small, above-ground deposits within the Zone. The causes of this distribution remain unexplained.
Found in
Olympium Veins are large standing pillars of ore with a purple glow. They contain purple Olympium chunks, which can only be mined with the Magnetic Hammer. Olympium Veins can either spawn alone or in a small group of veins.