Devil Grinder

From Pacific Drive Wiki
Devil Grinder

Devil Grinder logbook icon

Logbook Entry

TRANSMISSION FRAGMENT, ARDA Field Headquarters, May 4th, 1968.

So imagine a dust devil, yeah? You know those? So imagine a dust devil, right, but turned up to the max. Yeah, I said TO THE MAX.

Lenny! Hold the receiver to your ear. YOU EAR. Yeah, so it's like a dust devil, but so much more powerful. Like small, like focused, but so strong. With the strength to just pick up trash and even stones and hurl them around. Collins has a goddamn concussion or some crap like that. A concussion! Huh? Oh, it's when YOU hurt your head. I mean a concussion is when a person hurts their head. What did you say? Yeah, sure, like a boxer.

Listen, Lenny, I've seen this thing smash a truck into submission. Like just pummel them. I said PUMMEL THEM! Hey, HOLD THE RECEIVER TO YOUR EAR, man! Shout? I AM SHOUTING, LENNY, BUT YOU'RE NOT LISTENING. I'm trying to...Lenny, what is going on? What are you doing? Is someone there? Who is that? What the hell? Lenny, are you KISSING?

Found In


This Anomaly appears as a red circle with rocks jutting up from the ground, constantly moving in somewhat circular patterns like blades of an up-turned lawnmower. Upon approach, The Driver can hear faint demonic screaming and moans coming from it. If driven into with the Car, it will deal consistent impact damage to the entire car, but especially to the tires.


Aside from total avoidance, the only known recourse for preventing damage from this Anomaly is to activate the LIM Shield ability before entering its semi-sphere of influence.

Junction Conditions

Damage caused by Devil Grinders is increased when a junction has the Curious Fragility condition.


A devil grinder Anomaly, which is a red circled area with various rocks moving around inside.
A devil grinder Anomaly, which is a red circled area with various rocks moving around inside.