Logbook Entry
For many, acid rain has been an environmental hazard for years. But for those within the Zone, it's an outright existential threat, arriving with little warning and incredible, almost supernatural intensity.
Found In
Corrosive Squalls are small acid rain storms that appear in the Mid Zone. The Squalls are medium large in size and travel across the map. When in a Squall, acid rain will corrode the car, dealing acid damage. Larger balls of acidic goo will rain down from the sky and will cover the windshield with green sludge if it hits the Car. Upon hitting the ground, the balls of acid have a chance to turn into Rotten Eggs.
While in a Squall, it is ideal to escape its area of effect. In a Corrosive Squall, the Driver should avoid getting hit by the balls of acid raining from the sky, as well as the Rotten Eggs that spawn from them. Having Anticorrosive car parts can negate part of the damage from the acid.
Junction Conditions
Corrosive Squalls will be more prevalent in Junctions with the Corrosive Downpours condition.