
From Pacific Drive Wiki

Abductor logbook icon

Logbook Entry

Dear Maggie,

Once again, I miss you and the kids so much. I’m sorry I haven’t written sooner, but it’s been just crazy out here. I have a few moments right now, so I figured it would be good to put pen to paper. I hope you don’t mind the handwriting being so wiggly, but me and the guys are in a bit of a pickle right now. You see, our van got pulled up into a tree. I’m afraid I can’t explain exactly what happened (top secret things and all), but we’re safe. Trust me on that. We also have two hours to wait before rescue comes, hanging fifty feet above the ground, and right on a ridge. I’ll send this as soon as we get back to barracks, and write you a much better letter after, but in the meantime here’s a picture. I sketched it out while we were waiting. If there’s one thing we have up here, it’s a heck of a view.

Love always, Joe

Found In


This floating ball of scrap moves around the Zone emitting a blue-green light.

When The Driver gets too close with their car or on foot while holding something of interest to the Anomaly (such as an Anchor), the light turns red and the Abductor will latch onto the car (or object) using a magnet that dangles from a wire. It will then drag the car or object around at high speeds for a period of time. When the car is dragged, it is at high risk of crashing, as the Abductor will often attempt to drag it into a tree or other obstacle.


Activating either the Limpulse Emitter or LIM Shield ability can prevent an Abductor from attaching itself to the car.

They may also be distracted by throwing a lit Road Flare or any resource material within their line of sight.

Junction Conditions

These Anomalies become much more aggressive and are found in greater numbers when a junction has the Angry Abductors condition in effect.
