Fuel Pump capacity calculations
(moved from Talk:Auto_Shop)
- Took a car with no attachments and a full tank of gas (30 units), then filled all racks with fuel reservoirs, bringing it to 340 units capacity with 310 units empty.
- Took screenshots of the Pump's indicators (at 2560x1600 resolution):
- On mouseover: 308 out of 315 px
- In HUD when equipped: 272 out of 278 px
- Filled the car to full, dispensing 310 units of fuel.
- Took screenshots of the indicators again:
- On mouseover: 288 out of 315 px, for a delta of 20 px
- In HUD when equipped: 254 out of 278 px, for a delta of 18 px
- Calculated total capacity from each case:
- Based on mouseover indicator: 310 * 315 / 20 = 4882.5 units
- Based on HUD indicator: 310 * 278 / 18 = 4787.8 units
- Actual value is probably in between, "around 4800" seems good enough.
In case anyone's wondering what 340 units of fuel looks like (I know I would):