
Discussion page of Anomalies

Created a main page for all the anomalies to replace the category page. Currently organized based on their damage types in-game, but a few like Hopped-Up Hare, Happy Hare, and Beating Heart seem out of place as-is. I've also borrowed icons from their related modifiers for a couple anomalies, but the remaining anomalies either don't have one or have one that doesn't look great on the page. Unsure what the best path forward for those is.
(Artxmisery) (talk) 06:14, 28 February 2024 (UTC)

  • Cool, I like it! Wondering if the switch from a category to a normal article makes sense though? If we use a category page then a user can always find their way to that list through the category section at the bottom of each anomaly. Not sure what the convention is here.
    As for the Happy Hare etc, why not just have a section called "Healing" or similar in the list? I feel like it'd fit in fine.
    Nutcake (talk) 07:11, 28 February 2024 (UTC)
    • I'm definitely used to (and at least prefer aesthetically) a division between the main page for a category and the category page itself. Your point of direct access from any anomaly makes sense, though. To be quite honest I'm not sure why the division is conventional but it's pretty universally followed. Could go either way.
      (Artxmisery) (talk) 23:39, 29 February 2024 (UTC)
      • I guess we can follow the convention and then just add a link to the category page that takes you to the article for that category, I'm fine with that.
        Nutcake (talk) 06:40, 1 March 2024 (UTC)