Sap Compressor

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Sap Compressor

Sap Compressor logbook icon

Logbook icon for the Impact Hammer tool

Recommended Tool:
Impact Hammer

Logbook Entry

PARTIAL MEMO, source unknown, circa 1965.

I think, at last, that we may have perfected the crystalline form of this strange new carbon sap. With Dr. Turner's focused electrostimulative LIM induction, we can essentially grow crystals almost as casually as if we were doing a high school homework assignment.

Perhaps I'm exaggerating a little here. We still need to set up the inductors on location, and they must be carefully monitored to avoid overgrowth, as we are not even close to observing consistent development. Still, the resource costs are low, and the rewards are plain. We can begin to compress and shape sap, before then collect and use the resulting crystals in far greater quantities than ever.

And the applications of this? They could be extraordinary.

Found in



Sap compressors are red crystalline structures found in the Mid-Zone that when broken with an Impact Hammer provide Thermosap Crystals. They are the most reliable source of Thermosap Crystals in the game.


Sap Compressor