Lab Computer

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Lab Computer

Lab Computer logbook icon

Logbook icon for the Scrapper tool

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Logbook Entry

TELEPHONE TRANSCRIPT, Central Exchange Monitoring, July 9th, 1963.

Hello? Hello! Is that the office of Dr. Turner? No no, the other Dr. Turner? Doesn't matter! I have good news! The best news!

Your new computers are up and running! We did it! And these powerhouses are going to absolutely blow you away! We've got some of the world's very best discrete RTL-based integrated circuits, with a central processing unit running at one and a half megahertz, all of this able to address half a million characters of memory. We've even got a thirty-two bit word length. It's hard to imagine a more powerful machine. What's more, these things barely weigh seventy pounds!

It's truly amazing. You absolutely must come down and see one in action. I think ARDA might well have pushed computing as far as it will ever go!

Found in



Lab Computers spawn in ARDA trailers, towers, and computing stations, as well as field lab setups, alongside Lead Shielding and Sodium Vapor Lights. They can be harvested with the Scrapper for electronics, copper wire, and scrap metal.


A Lab Computer within an ARDA Tower.
A Lab Computer inside an ARDA computer center.
A set of Lab Computers and Receivers at a field post.