Juke Jets

From Pacific Drive Wiki
Juke Jets

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Logbook Entry

Joyously join this jet to your car to juke, jolt, jump, jab and jitter into a joyride. You'd be justified to be jazzed. Just don't get too jubilant, or you might jumble yourself into a jest of a jam.



Icon for the Battery Drain propertyBattery Drain1.25 kW/use
Icon for the Battery Drain propertyBattery Drain0.1 kW/sec


Juke Jets can be mounted on any side rack; when mounted, they add an ability that can be assigned and used to launch the car sideways. Holding the ability key down keeps the jets firing until released, for an additional energy cost. A single set of Juke Jets displaces the car between one and two widths, with only a brief loss of traction; two sets have a much more powerful effect, sending the car airborne until it lands somewhere beyond 5 car widths away. When all 4 side racks are filled with Juke Jets, the ability launches the car straight up; unfortunately, however, the thrust is insufficient for sustained flight.


Two sets of Juke Jets mounted next to each other.
A single-jet juke. Note the car's exhaust trail.
A dual-jet juke. You'll never miss your exit again.