Giant Orb

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Giant Orb

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PARTIAL MEMO, source unknown, circa 1971.

I'd estimate it's been some ten to twelve months now. Maybe more. I'd hoped the passage of seasons would serve as at least some broad frame of reference, but that doesn't seem to happen here any more. The climate is largely constant, while the weather is subject to these sudden swings that are impossible to predict. Storms appear out of nowhere. Rain is sometimes spontaneous. The skies clear quite suddenly, though never enough that I can get a good look at the stars. However, my compass still seems to be working, at least most of the time.

The Moon, however? That's something else. I can usually still make it out, but something is different. Something is changing. I can't tell if it's some local atmospheric change here or... But to suggest anything beyond that is ridiculous. Why would the Moon have changed?

And, on the subject of strange orbs, those static, glowing spheres have been changing color again. They're now a curious shade of orange, or burnt sienna. This seems to be their most static color yet and I wonder if this signals some state of maturity. We'll see. They seem to be somehow guarding those strange nests of... giant frogspawn. No, I shouldn't say "guarding," because that implies intelligence. But they're often nearby.

I found a new cache of food last night and I have nothing but time, so I shall contemplate these orbs.

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An Orb next to a Salamander Grotto