Logbook Entry
JOURNAL FRAGMENT, date unknown.
Everyone's checked out of town. At this point, I'm the last person left. I'll be gone by tomorrow, too.
It's hard to believe this was once a community. Sure, we didn't have that much to show for it. Not much to offer visitors, no great sights or famous landmarks. But a few of us lived out here and we were happy with our lot. And then it seems the government had other plans for us. You no longer live here, they said. Here's your compensation payment. Now get out.
Their weird, secret experimentation Zone keeps growing. They own this land now, this town, and soon we'll never be able to come back.
They barely gave us enough to cover the cost of moving. Now it's time to work out what to leave behind.
Found in
Consumer electronics are found in many civilian structures and include a variety of objects, namely, computers, phones, radios, television sets, and VCRs. The exact drops for each object vary, but all provide electronics and copper wire. TVs drop pressurized cartridges, and batteries are dropped by phones.
In addition to spawning in the Zone, some consumer electronics will spawn at the Auto Shop between runs - look on the shelves near the abandoned car.