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Blowtorch logbook icon

Logbook Entry

This extremely atypical blowtorch is fueled by a restorative, semi-organic compound that aids in reshaping and repairing damaged metalwork. It's not durable enough to last long, but it will help with basic repairs on the road.



Icon for the Health Gain propertyHealth Gain11 Health / Sec


The blowtorch is commonly used to repair damaged parts of the car. The amount a part is repaired can be finely controlled by holding the primary fire button until the parts health is at the desired value, as opposed to Repair Putty, which has a fixed amount of uses and repairs parts in chunks.

It can be beneficial to use the blowtorch in cases where a part has only a low amount of damage and a single use of the repair putty would be mostly wasted.

A higher tier alternative is the Olympium Torch, which requires more resources but lasts longer and repairs faster.