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Logbook Entry
PARTIAL MEMO, Battalion Headquarters, February 1st, 1965.
What I don't understand about this supposed creature isn't simply that it somehow defies capture, either physically, or via any media or recording equipment we employ. Nor is it that it leaves little or no evidence behind, meaning it's all but impossible to confirm its existence.
No, what I truly don't understand is how everyone is able to project their own ideas upon it. People sing to it because they have somehow decided that is what it responds to. People have predicted its patterns or its movements because ... again SOMEHOW … they have decided they understand this thing they've never even met. And, at the same time, people explain away a lack of prints, the failure of dogs to succeed in any tracking, the nonsensical dietary requirements, mating behaviors, lack of any remains …
None of it makes any sense.
Appearing as a blurry bipedal figure, this Anomaly does not seem to be hostile. In fact, it appears to prefer to remain entirely unnoticed, often showing up in the distant periphery of one's vision. It may slowly approach The Driver, but will disappear before getting too close.