Auto Tracking Spotlight

From Pacific Drive Wiki
Auto Tracking Spotlight

Auto Tracking Spotlight logbook icon

Logbook Entry

This tracking spotlight has been configured to respond to and follow the movements of your headset. Consider it your extra flashlight.



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Auto Tracking Spotlights can be mounted on any roof rack; when installed, they add an ability that can be assigned and used to toggle all available spotlights on/off simultaneously. The spotlights track the driver's line of sight when inside the car, and driver's position when on foot. There is noticeable but manageable lag in the spotlights' tracking.

Note that the light does not pass through the car and its attachments, so a bulky attachment on the second roof rack can create substantial blind spots. Using two spotlights at once does not offer any benefits apart from increased brightness of the light spot.


An Auto Tracking Spotlight, mounted in the front roof rack.
Light from an Auto Tracking Spotlight, as seen from the driver's seat. Note how the beam is directed away from the car's centerline.
Light from an Auto Tracking Spotlight, as seen from above.